Assalamu’alaikum , We from the team at Veil Lovely  welcome you to our online store!


Veil Lovely was born when we realised there was a lack of design and comfortability when it came to browsing for functional Islamic prayer garments. When we pray we feel so ecstatic, enlightened and hopeful, so why should the garments we pray in be so dull and mundane?


Allah revealed to the people to beautify themselves internally and externally when they worship him.

We pride ourselves in looking our best when we stand in prayer 5 times a day. Dress well for Allah loves beauty. 


We considered women and their individual taste and personality for we believe a scarf is not only a veil but gives a sense of your character, individualism and uniqueness; be it shy and subtle or bold and moving, we have delicate and sweet designs to strong and quirky prints. We applied this attention right down to our choice of material; some women like cosy, comforting cotton and other women adore delicate luxury satin. We thought about you all!

Every day we dress up and make effort for wedding and parties but why not for our Creator? Veil lovely allows sisters to choose from a variety of colours, prints and patterns to allow them to feel they are dressing well for our Lord. 

No woman is prettier than a Muslimah who dresses to please Allah.


And we haven’t forgotten children! Our products are inclusive to our young ones as we at veil lovely strongly believe they’re our future! Nothing is more delightful to us than children having the exciting “eid morning” feels in their Veil Lovely sets. Nothing is more pleasing to us than setting a good example for our children. Get them excited for prayer!

"Dressing well is a form of good manners."